Author Archives: cleno


BUILDING WEATHER Erecting and operating buildings and cities is systematically linked with the entire biosphere of Planet Earth. The current global energy demand is largely provided by non-renewable energy resources. Due to dramatic environmental changes, a reinvention of the ways



BUILDING WEATHER Erecting and operating buildings and cities is systematically linked with the entire biosphere of Planet Earth. The current global energy demand is largely provided by non-renewable energy resources. Due to dramatic environmental changes, a reinvention of the ways


How I started hanging out with Home: Anthropomorphic Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by SPACE POPULAR

HOW I STARTED HANGING OUT WITH HOME: Anthropomorphic Architecture in the Age of Artificial IntelligenceIf buildings become robots and robots become humans, how human will our buildings be? Buildings already move and speak to us, they make decisions based on input data.


How I started hanging out with Home: Anthropomorphic Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by SPACE POPULAR

HOW I STARTED HANGING OUT WITH HOME: Anthropomorphic Architecture in the Age of Artificial IntelligenceIf buildings become robots and robots become humans, how human will our buildings be? Buildings already move and speak to us, they make decisions based on input data.



The Weerkas is an ironic commentary on changing weather patterns in the Netherlands. Each image illustrates a specific geographic location in one of the Netherlands’ twelve provinces, in one month of the year. The drawings express a shift in weather



The Weerkas is an ironic commentary on changing weather patterns in the Netherlands. Each image illustrates a specific geographic location in one of the Netherlands’ twelve provinces, in one month of the year. The drawings express a shift in weather


Competition new train station Mayrhofen

together with Ludovic Marx


Competition new train station Mayrhofen

together with Ludovic Marx


Competition entry Spallartgasse Vienna 2016

Competition Entry Spallartgasse


Competition entry Spallartgasse Vienna 2016

Competition Entry Spallartgasse


CITTA 8th ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON PLANNING RESEARCH / AESOP TG Public Spaces & Urban Cultures, 24th – 25th September 2015

Lecture: Dealing with History, Rome and its alternative production of “public” space Clara Archibugi, Clemens Nocker BECOMING LOCAL – Generative places, smart approaches, happy people’– is the topic of the next conference organized by CITTA – Research Center for Territory,


CITTA 8th ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON PLANNING RESEARCH / AESOP TG Public Spaces & Urban Cultures, 24th – 25th September 2015

Lecture: Dealing with History, Rome and its alternative production of “public” space Clara Archibugi, Clemens Nocker BECOMING LOCAL – Generative places, smart approaches, happy people’– is the topic of the next conference organized by CITTA – Research Center for Territory,


Informal Space and the Superhistorical City The city of Rome between built heritage and informal contemporary culture

Architecture of Alterity Conference University Edinburgh Clara-Archibugi-Clemens-Nocker_Self-organisedArchitecture


Informal Space and the Superhistorical City The city of Rome between built heritage and informal contemporary culture

Architecture of Alterity Conference University Edinburgh Clara-Archibugi-Clemens-Nocker_Self-organisedArchitecture


Internationale Tagung Kritik oder Krise – Haltung, Verantwortung, Widerspruch in Architektur und Stadtplanung

Kritik oder Krise – Haltung, Verantwortung, Widerspruch in Architektur und Stadtplanung Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur in Kooperation mit Umbau, Zeitschrift für Architektur / Theorie der Praxis Internationale Tagung Wien, 16.—18. Oktober 2015
 CfP Deadline: 29. Juni 2015 – verlängert bis


Internationale Tagung Kritik oder Krise – Haltung, Verantwortung, Widerspruch in Architektur und Stadtplanung

Kritik oder Krise – Haltung, Verantwortung, Widerspruch in Architektur und Stadtplanung Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur in Kooperation mit Umbau, Zeitschrift für Architektur / Theorie der Praxis Internationale Tagung Wien, 16.—18. Oktober 2015
 CfP Deadline: 29. Juni 2015 – verlängert bis


Lecture Informal Space and the Superhistorical City The city of Rome between built heritage and informal contemporary culture

NEW URBAN LANGUAGES TALES AND IMAGES OF SPATIAL JUSTICE Discussing New Urban Languages of Equality, Justice and Sustainable Development  Technical University Delft Clara Archibugi; Clemens Nocker;  


Lecture Informal Space and the Superhistorical City The city of Rome between built heritage and informal contemporary culture

NEW URBAN LANGUAGES TALES AND IMAGES OF SPATIAL JUSTICE Discussing New Urban Languages of Equality, Justice and Sustainable Development  Technical University Delft Clara Archibugi; Clemens Nocker;  


Lecture: Learning From Squats: The influence of occupied social centers on local planning issues in Rome

The AESOP thematic group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures will hold its annual event on 4-6 June 2015, in Glasgow, Scotland. The event is meant to be an engaging and dynamic debate between the academia and the public sector on


Lecture: Learning From Squats: The influence of occupied social centers on local planning issues in Rome

The AESOP thematic group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures will hold its annual event on 4-6 June 2015, in Glasgow, Scotland. The event is meant to be an engaging and dynamic debate between the academia and the public sector on


Lecture: Self-organized Architecture and the Superhistorical City / Symposium The Architecture of Alterity/ Edinburgh

25th May 13:15-15:00            AoA Research Workshop II     Self-organized Architecture and the Superhistorical City_Clara Archibugi and Clemens Nocker, Sapienza University of Rome [EU] University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh College of Art | ESALA, Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture


Lecture: Self-organized Architecture and the Superhistorical City / Symposium The Architecture of Alterity/ Edinburgh

25th May 13:15-15:00            AoA Research Workshop II     Self-organized Architecture and the Superhistorical City_Clara Archibugi and Clemens Nocker, Sapienza University of Rome [EU] University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh College of Art | ESALA, Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture


CONFERENCE ‘FLÂNEUR – NEW URBAN NARRATIVES’ Lisbon on the 12th and 13th of May 2015.

This conference constitutes one of the key moments of the European project“Flâneur” – an International art project which encourages photographers and writers to explore the urban territory with a new approach to enable a fresh look on the dynamics of


CONFERENCE ‘FLÂNEUR – NEW URBAN NARRATIVES’ Lisbon on the 12th and 13th of May 2015.

This conference constitutes one of the key moments of the European project“Flâneur” – an International art project which encourages photographers and writers to explore the urban territory with a new approach to enable a fresh look on the dynamics of


Mirnomore “Schiebung”, Vienna 2005

Competition entry Bar- Messtand with Peter Mitterer, Peter Pichler  


Mirnomore “Schiebung”, Vienna 2005

Competition entry Bar- Messtand with Peter Mitterer, Peter Pichler  


Conference in Urbino: The Ideal City: between myth and reality

URBINO (ITALY) 27-29 AUGUST 2015 The RC21 Conference 2015 will be hosted by the School of Social and Political Sciences – Department of Economics, Society, and Politics at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy.


Conference in Urbino: The Ideal City: between myth and reality

URBINO (ITALY) 27-29 AUGUST 2015 The RC21 Conference 2015 will be hosted by the School of Social and Political Sciences – Department of Economics, Society, and Politics at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy.


22nd ISUF Conference: City as organism. New visions for urban life, 22-26 September, Rome

Conceptions of the city have changed significantly in recent years. The character of major infrastructural, residential, commercial and manufacturing developments suggests that current challenges may be a great deal more than a blip in the course of history. Some would


22nd ISUF Conference: City as organism. New visions for urban life, 22-26 September, Rome

Conceptions of the city have changed significantly in recent years. The character of major infrastructural, residential, commercial and manufacturing developments suggests that current challenges may be a great deal more than a blip in the course of history. Some would


Soft Urban Gentrification

Jonas Aebi, Boris Ferron, Julio Paulos, Clemens Nocker “Gentrification does not occur in Vienna.” This sentence was one of the first we heard when we arrived in Vienna. The times of the Red Vienna, the strict rental law and rent


Soft Urban Gentrification

Jonas Aebi, Boris Ferron, Julio Paulos, Clemens Nocker “Gentrification does not occur in Vienna.” This sentence was one of the first we heard when we arrived in Vienna. The times of the Red Vienna, the strict rental law and rent


Patterns of segregation: A European comparison with case studies from Brussels, Vienna and Budapest

4 Cities UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies · 1 July 2012 · Clemens Nocker, Josh Growney, Guillermo Bernal, Martin Sonck, Vanessa Hünnemeyer SegregationInEurope_July2012


Patterns of segregation: A European comparison with case studies from Brussels, Vienna and Budapest

4 Cities UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies · 1 July 2012 · Clemens Nocker, Josh Growney, Guillermo Bernal, Martin Sonck, Vanessa Hünnemeyer SegregationInEurope_July2012


Performing the Historic City Center – Theming and Imaging of the Historic City Centre

University of Vienna, PS Contemporary Problems in Urban Development, 2012 Peter Ulrich, Vanessa Hünnemeyer, Mai Kjølsen, Clemens Nocker _Topic7_31July2012 (1)


Performing the Historic City Center – Theming and Imaging of the Historic City Centre

University of Vienna, PS Contemporary Problems in Urban Development, 2012 Peter Ulrich, Vanessa Hünnemeyer, Mai Kjølsen, Clemens Nocker _Topic7_31July2012 (1)


Conferenece UN Studio MAXXI Base Rome

Cari Partecipanti al Simposio di Domenica 4 maggio presso il MAXXI B.A.S.E. di Roma Vi allego I poster corretti della manifestazione e una sua breve descrizione. Potete diffondere il materiale come credete. Naturalmente non pubblicizzate il workshop della mattina condotto


Conferenece UN Studio MAXXI Base Rome

Cari Partecipanti al Simposio di Domenica 4 maggio presso il MAXXI B.A.S.E. di Roma Vi allego I poster corretti della manifestazione e una sua breve descrizione. Potete diffondere il materiale come credete. Naturalmente non pubblicizzate il workshop della mattina condotto


Thames Gateway London, 2007

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Zaha Hadid, Clemens Nocker, Baris Önal, Raffael Petrovic


Thames Gateway London, 2007

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Zaha Hadid, Clemens Nocker, Baris Önal, Raffael Petrovic


Achieving Elegance Highrise, Istanbul 2006

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Zaha Hadid, Clemens Nocker, Baris Önal, Peter Pichler a mixed used tower for istanbul. the task is the vertical, condensed organisation of the three fundemantally different programmatic categories(retail,commercial,residential) in a single tower. PROGRAMMES The


Achieving Elegance Highrise, Istanbul 2006

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Zaha Hadid, Clemens Nocker, Baris Önal, Peter Pichler a mixed used tower for istanbul. the task is the vertical, condensed organisation of the three fundemantally different programmatic categories(retail,commercial,residential) in a single tower. PROGRAMMES The


Lecture Clemens Nocker: Patterns of Social Segregation in Brussels, Budapest and Vienna 2013

University of Applied Arts Vienna Institute of Architecture Theory Prof. Liane Lefaivre


Lecture Clemens Nocker: Patterns of Social Segregation in Brussels, Budapest and Vienna 2013

University of Applied Arts Vienna Institute of Architecture Theory Prof. Liane Lefaivre


Prefab Housing Istanbul, 2008

Bilgi University Istanbul, Clemens Nocker


Prefab Housing Istanbul, 2008

Bilgi University Istanbul, Clemens Nocker


Compressed Complexity Tower Istanbul, 2006

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Zaha Hadid, Clemens Nocker, Peter Pichler Density Diversity Complexity Unity A mixed used tower for istanbul. The task was the vertical, condensed organisation and coordination of the three fundamentally different programmatic categories (retail, commercial, residental)


Compressed Complexity Tower Istanbul, 2006

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Zaha Hadid, Clemens Nocker, Peter Pichler Density Diversity Complexity Unity A mixed used tower for istanbul. The task was the vertical, condensed organisation and coordination of the three fundamentally different programmatic categories (retail, commercial, residental)


Space to Culture, Bologna, 2014

Idea Competition for Temporary Use, Clemens Nocker, Laura Ulloa The post industrial change in European cities created many social, economical and spatial changes in the urban space. In the last 40 years a radical urban transformation took place and produced


Space to Culture, Bologna, 2014

Idea Competition for Temporary Use, Clemens Nocker, Laura Ulloa The post industrial change in European cities created many social, economical and spatial changes in the urban space. In the last 40 years a radical urban transformation took place and produced


Non Places and the Generic City

ULB Brussels, Urban Sociology, Clemens Nocker The essay Non Places and the Generic City is a product of different theories on the undefined urban space and its repetition in a larger scale. Within the influence of increasing human mobility the


Non Places and the Generic City

ULB Brussels, Urban Sociology, Clemens Nocker The essay Non Places and the Generic City is a product of different theories on the undefined urban space and its repetition in a larger scale. Within the influence of increasing human mobility the


Prishtina Infrastructural City 2010

Diploma Clemens Nocker, University of Applied ArtsVienna, Studio Zaha Hadid


Prishtina Infrastructural City 2010

Diploma Clemens Nocker, University of Applied ArtsVienna, Studio Zaha Hadid


Individual Living Vienna 2007

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Studio Markus Schäfer, Clemens Nocker, Marc Wienecke


Individual Living Vienna 2007

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Studio Markus Schäfer, Clemens Nocker, Marc Wienecke
